The WISC-R is one of the best normed and most highly respected measures of child intelligence. 1.04 Working Memory Process Score Summary Process Level Discrepancy Comparisons Significant Longest Digit Span Sequence Longest Digit Span Backward - Longest Digit Span Sequence 8 6 2 - 6.0 Statistical significance (critical value) at the. The normative Digit Span performance differs between the two cultural populations. The Memory for Digit Span assessment, a component of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-Revised (WISC-R), is a measure of short-term memory for children aged seven and over (Wechsler 1974). The purposes of this study were first to explore normative Digit Span performance patterns between the Taiwan and American standardization samples, then to examine performances of patients with traumatic brain injury and with psychiatric diseases on the embedded measures (the Digit Span Scaled Score, Vocabulary minus Digit Span difference score, Reliable Digit Span, and the longest string of digits forward and backward) through retrospective data analysis. However, its effectiveness in Chinese countries remains unexplored. Both poorer DSS performance and the presence of perseveration can offer useful clinical information on the context of a thorough evaluation of the aMCI/DAT spectrum.Īlzheimer disease WAIS-IV digit span sequencing working memory.Suppressed Digit Span performance has been proposed as an embedded indicator for suboptimal effort detection in neuropsychological evaluations in Western societies, particularly in the USA. Discontinuation of DSS due to cross-task perseveration was frequently seen in, although not unique to, the DAT group. Conclusions: The DS sequencing results differed between the three clinical groups, which is consistent with the hypothesis that working memory declines would be evident on this measure.

Span forward and backward subtest to obtain a copy of. Digit Span Sequencing was significantly different in each group (DAT < aMCI < SCC), with a high rate of the DAT group showing cross-task perseveration. the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-4th Edition (WISC-IV). Results: Those with DAT performed significantly worse for DS Forward, Backward, and Total Score versus those with aMCI and SCC, whose performances were similar. This resulted in a sample of 290 individuals with DAT, 255 with aMCI, and 161 with SCC. This subtest measures working memory, mental manipulation, cognitive flexibility, rote memory and learning, attention, and encoding. an example of the Digit Span subtest of the WAIS-III in Taiwan Arch Clin Neuropsychol. Method: Seven hundred and six individuals were drawn from 1256 consecutive referrals who underwent a standard neuropsychological evaluation and obtained a consensus diagnosis from a neuropsychologist and a neurologist of DAT, aMCI, or having SCC. Suppressed Digit Span performance has been proposed as an embedded indicator for suboptimal effort detection in neuropsychological evaluations in Western societies, particularly in the USA. This study examines performance on DS for individuals from a memory disorder clinic diagnosed with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), probable dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT), or those with subjective cognitive complaints (SCC). Objective: The Digit Span (DS) subtest from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-4 th Edition (WAIS-IV) was updated to better measure working memory which is potentially clinically relevant as prior unreplicated studies showed that sequencing tasks differentiated normal from neurologic groups.